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Useful Information

How to brew tea

General Characteristics and Production Stages of Black Tea


Black tea

Camellia sinensis (Linnenaus) . Fresh tea leaves (two and a half leaves), buds and adjacent fresh stems of different varieties of O.  It is the product obtained by processing.

Black tea should have a unique appearance, color and smell, should not contain foreign odor, and should not contain any visible foreign matter. Impurities include everything but black tea.

Production Stages:  Bending,  Oxidation,  Bending,  Classification,  Packaging

Withering:  It is the process of reducing the 70-80% water contained in the fresh tea leaves to 60-65%, and it is the mandatory and important first stage of black tea production. withering,  The wilting time varies according to the freshness and wetness of the wet tea, weather and working conditions.

As a result of withering, the cell juices of the leaves become more dense and the appropriate elastic structure is provided for the rolling process. If fresh leaves are directly rolled without wilting, cell sap 


During pressing, the active substances in the tea are thrown out with the water flowing without twisting. Withered leaf; The fact that it is drooping, sluggish and shriveled, not lively and shiny, and the stems are bent and bendable without breaking, are indicators of good wilting of wet tea.

Rolling: Shredding the wilted tea leaf in different tea making machines,

by crushing and twisting the cell sap onto the folded leaf surface.

diffusion and initiation of oxidation. wilted tea leaf

firstly, it is passed through the 1st row rolling machines and sieved, the under-sieve teas are sieved.

sent to six oxidation units. Teas on sieve 2nd row press curling

2. sieve teas under sieve oxidation

sent to the unit. The tea remaining on the sieve in the second sieving process is sent to rotervan.

The teas coming out of the rotervan are passed through the separator and sent to the rotervan oxidation unit.


Oxidation: It is the phenomenon of the formation of the desired color, astringency, shine, smell and aroma in black tea by changing the chemical compounds in the cell sap of the rolled wet tea leaf with the effect of the oxidase enzyme. When it comes to oxidation time; The time that teas spend in the oxidation part should not be considered. This period; is the time from the start of curling to the completion of oxidation. During oxidation, the relative humidity should be kept around 90-95%. An ideal oxidation in tea is between 24-260C. Brightness and vitality in tea liquor also increase in low-temperature oxidation. As the temperature increases, the vitality decreases and a dull and dull color occurs.

Drying: The curdled and fermented tea leaves are baked to moisture.

It is the process of reducing the rate to 2.5-4%. Purpose of drying: enzyme

By stopping the oxidation of the acquired properties and the substances formed

To create an environment that will prevent it from being lost, tea can be stored and packaged.

and make it portable.  Inlet temperature in drying is 95-105°C, outlet

temperature  It happens between 50-55°C. The temperature, flow rate of the air entering the furnace,

The thickness of the leaves on the pallet and the duration of the tea in the oven affect the drying event.


Classification:  It is the process of separating the dry teas coming out of the oven according to their fineness, thickness and quality by passing them through predetermined standard sieve wires.  Both at the exit of the furnace and at various stages of sorting, dried teas are passed through fiber traps and separated from fiber and tea waste. Teas can only be classified well with the amount of moisture they contain at the rate of 2.5-4% after they come out of the ovens. Since the moisture content of the teas that are kept and cannot be kept well increases and they gain elasticity, they cannot be classified well and become moldy in a short time and become harmful to health.

Packaging: The teas produced are made of nylon inside and polypropylene sacks outside.

It is bagged in double packaging. Bag to ensure product traceability

on production,  A descriptive label is placed indicating the date, time and type.

After standardization, it is dry to be sent to packaging facilities.

taken to tea warehouses.

Çay tarihi

History of Tea

Although the Turks knew tea before coming to Anatolia; The arrival of tea in Turkey dates back a few hundred years. The widespread use of tea in Anatolia has been since the 19th century. The following story is told about the spread of tea among the Turks:

■ Çayın Tarihi

One day, Hodja Ahmet Yesevi is a guest in one of the Turkestan villages on the border of Hatay. He was very tired because the weather was very hot that day. The wife of the Turkmen's neighbor, whom he is a guest in his house, is about to give birth. Turkmen asks Hodja Ahmet Yesevi for a prayer, and Ahmet Yesevi also prays. With Allah's permission, the wish of the Turk will be fulfilled immediately. Turkmen would be very pleased with this situation. He brings tea, which is an important treat of the region, by boiling it. When Hodja Ahmet Yesevi drinks hot tea, he sweats and gets tired. Then he said, “This is a healing thing, make your patients drink it so that they can be healed. May Allah keep it popular until the Day of Judgment.” After that, tea started to be used among all Turks and became a healing drink.

■ Çay nasıl demlenir

How to Brew Tea

As a result of long researches carried out in the Okumuş Çay quality control laboratory, the following results were obtained regarding the brewing method and duration of the teas produced by our company.

Demliğe dökün

• Rinse the teapot in which you will brew the tea with hot water. (If the teapot is cold, the hot water you brewed the tea will heat the teapot first, in this case, it will cause a temperature loss of approximately 12-15○C, extending the brewing time by 2-3 minutes, and the rate of passing of quality substances in the tea to the water will decrease)

Sıcak suyu dökün

• If possible, always use the same unit of measure when brewing your tea.  It is the thin waisted tea glass that we use in our suggestion and research. A thin-waisted tea glass takes an average of 20-22 grams of tea)

Bekleyin demlensin

• Firstly, put tea in the teapot with a thin-waisted glass according to the amount of tea to be drunk. A thin-waisted glass of tea will serve 4-5 people on average. (Pay attention to the size of the tea; adding more tea is not economical and you will feel a bitter taste. If you add less tea, you will feel a herbaceous unpleasant taste)


• Avoid brewing tea in chalky, hard water. (The better the tea, the more sensitive it will react to hard and chalky water. Especially the taste of tea brewed in chalky water will be bitter and its appearance will be blurry)

• Add 3 glasses of water per glass of dry tea with a thin glass of water that has been freshly boiled and left to stand for 30 seconds. (A thin-waisted tea glass takes an average of 70-75 grams of water)


• Try to add water from a single point, if possible, without moving the water in the teapot. (Otherwise, the water vapor that comes out when the water meets the tea for the first time will cause the aroma to evaporate)

• Put hot water between 50-60○ C in the lower part of the teapot. Put the brewed tea on this teapot and let it brew over low heat if possible. (If you leave your tea on high heat; you will boil the brewed tea and make the taste of your tea bitter before the tea reaches maturity and remove it from its pleasant taste)

• Make sure that the brewing time is not less than 17 minutes and not more than 25 minutes. Our recommendation is 21 minutes. (If you open your tea early; its demi is weak, its appearance is sedimentary, its taste is soft,  you get a tea devoid of astringency and fullness. If you open your tea late, the brew will be dark and dull, the taste will be slightly bitter and the aroma will be weak.)   

• Before serving your tea, separate the infuser from the pulp. (Preferably transfer the infused part to a pre-heated porcelain teapot so that your tea stays fresh for a long time)

• Tea in a dry, airtight container; if possible in their own packages; As you use it, fold it so that there is no air inside.

Tea and Health

■ Çayda Sağlık

•     Being Natural
•     Dental health
•     Cardiovascular Stiffness
•     Anti-Cancer
•     Concentration Enhancer
•     Dementia and Alzheimer's disease
•     Eliminates the harm caused by smoking
•     bone density
•     Facilitates the absorption of minerals
•     Tea destroys harmful substances in the body.
•     It stops diarrhea.
•     It enables the kidneys to work better and regularly. Theobromine and theophylline substances in tea also have diuretic properties.
•     Due to the mineral substances it contains, it is much more effective than water in establishing the mineral substance balance in the body.
•     Tea baths, compresses and dressings made with clean cheesecloth or cotton impregnated with hot tea relieve some discomfort in the eyes and skin, reduce the hemorrhoid breasts on the outer skin and relieve pain.
•     In addition to drinking tea as a pleasure, caffeine is obtained from its leaves in pharmacy.
•     There is a high amount of vitamin P in tea. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of blood vessels and especially makes the capillaries flexible and prevents sudden bleeding.
•     With the psychological effects of caffeine and tannin, medical literature has been found to be helpful for people suffering from diarrheal disease.
•     It removes sleep and gives vitality. It is especially important for long-distance drivers to shed the weight that has collapsed on them because they are constantly driving. A cup of tea that students drink during their study gives them vitality.
•     Tea is drunk against boredom. Drinking a cup of tea in order to dissipate the sadness of the people in the days when people are in trouble relaxes the inner spiritual structure of the person.

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